Package 'TopDom'

Title: An Efficient and Deterministic Method for Identifying Topological Domains in Genomes
Description: The 'TopDom' method identifies topological domains in genomes from Hi-C sequence data (Shin et al., 2016 <doi:10.1093/nar/gkv1505>). The authors published an implementation of their method as an R script (two different versions; also available in this package). This package originates from those original 'TopDom' R scripts and provides help pages adopted from the original 'TopDom' PDF documentation. It also provides a small number of bug fixes to the original code.
Authors: Henrik Bengtsson [aut, cre, cph], Hanjun Shin [aut, ctr, cph], Harris Lazaris [ctr, cph] (PhD Student, NYU), Gangqing Hu [ctr, cph] (Staff Scientist, NIH), Xianghong Zhou [ctr]
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 0.10.1
Built: 2024-10-15 03:14:42 UTC

Help Index

Calculates Counts per Region in a TopDomData Object


Calculates Counts per Region in a TopDomData Object


countsPerRegion(data, regions)



A TopDomData object.


TopDom regions (a data.frame), e.g. domains.


A numeric vector of length nrow(regions).


Henrik Bengtsson.

Produce a Count Heatmap


Produce a Count Heatmap


ggCountHeatmap(data, transform, colors, ...)



A TopDomData object.


A function applied to the counts prior to generating heatmap colors.


A named list to control to color scale.


Not used.


A ggplot2::ggplot object.


Henrik Bengtsson.

See Also

See TopDom for an example.

Add a Topological Domain to a Count Heatmap


Add a Topological Domain to a Count Heatmap


ggDomain(td, dx = NULL, delta = 0.04, vline = 0, size = 2, color = "#666666")



A single-row data.frame.

dx, delta, vline

Absolute distance to heatmap. If dx = NULL (default), then dx = delta * w + vline where w is the width of the domain.

size, color

The thickness and color of the domain line.


A ggplot2::geom_segment object to be added to the count heatmap.

Add a Topological Domain Label to a Count Heatmap


Add a Topological Domain Label to a Count Heatmap


  fmt = "%s: %.2f - %.2f Mbp",
  rot = 45,
  dx = 0,
  vjust = 2.5,
  cex = 1.5



A single-row data.frame.


The base::sprintf-format string taking (chromosome, start, stop) as (string, numeric, numeric) input.


The amount of rotation in [0,360] of label.

dx, vjust

The vertical adjustment of the label (relative to rotation)


The scale factor of the label.


A ggplot2::ggproto object to be added to the count heatmap.

Easy Access to the Original TopDom 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 Implementations


Easy Access to the Original TopDom 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 Implementations


legacy(version = c("0.0.1", "0.0.2"))



A version string.


An environment containing the legacy TopDom API.



Calculates Overlap Scores Between Two Sets of Topological Domains


Calculates Overlap Scores Between Two Sets of Topological Domains


overlapScores(a, reference, debug = getOption("TopDom.debug", FALSE))


a, reference

Topological domain (TD) set AA and TD reference set RR both in a format as returned by TopDom().


If TRUE, debug output is produced.


The overlap score, overlap(A,ri)overlap(A', r_i), represents how well a consecutive subset AA' of topological domains (TDs) in AA overlap with topological domain rir_i in reference set RR. For each reference TD rir_i, the best match AmaxA'_max is identified, that is, the AA' subset that maximize overlap(A,ri)overlap(A', r_i). For exact definitions, see Page 8 in Shin et al. (2016).

Note that the overlap score is an asymmetric score, which means that overlapScores(a, b) != overlapScores(b, a).


Returns a named list of class TopDomOverlapScores, where the names correspond to the chromosomes in domain reference set RR. Each of these chromosome elements contains a data.frame with fields:

  • chromosome - DR,cD_{R,c} character strings

  • best_score - DR,cD_{R,c} numerics in [0,1][0,1]

  • best_length - DR,cD_{R,c} positive integers

  • best_set - list of DR,cD_{R,c} index vectors

where DR,cD_{R,c} is the number of TDs in reference set RR on chromosome cc. If a TD in reference RR is not a "domain", then the corresponding best_score and best_length values are NA_real_ and NA_integer_, respectively, while best_set is an empty list.

Warning - This might differ not be the correct implementation

The original TopDom scripts do not provide an implementation for calculating overlap scores. Instead, the implementation of TopDom::overlapScores() is based on the textual description of overlap scores provided in Shin et al. (2016). It is not known if this is the exact same algorithm and implementation as the authors of the TopDom article used.


Henrik Bengtsson - based on the description in Shin et al. (2016).


  • Shin et al., TopDom: an efficient and deterministic method for identifying topological domains in genomes, Nucleic Acids Research, 44(7): e70, April 2016. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1505, PMCID: PMC4838359, PMID: 26704975

See Also



path <- system.file("exdata", package = "TopDom", mustWork = TRUE)

## Original count data (on a subset of the bins to speed up example)
chr <- "chr19"
pathname <- file.path(path, sprintf("nij.%s.gz", chr))
data <- readHiC(pathname, chr = chr, binSize = 40e3, bins = 1:500)

## Find topological domains using TopDom method for two window sizes
tds_5 <- TopDom(data, window.size = 5L)
tds_6 <- TopDom(data, window.size = 6L)

## Overlap scores (in both directions)
overlap_56 <- overlapScores(tds_6, reference = tds_5)

overlap_65 <- overlapScores(tds_5, reference = tds_6)

Reads Hi-C Contact Data from File


Reads Hi-C Contact Data from File


  chr = NULL,
  binSize = NULL,
  debug = getOption("TopDom.debug", FALSE)



The pathname of a normalize Hi-C contact matrix file stored as a whitespace-delimited file. See below for details. Also a gzip-compressed file can be used.

chr, binSize

If the file contains a count matrix without bin annotation, the latter is created from these parameters.


If TRUE, debug output is produced.


Arguments passed to utils::read.table() as-is.


A list with elements bins (an N-by-4 data.frame) and counts (N-by-N matrix).

Format of HiC contact-matrix file

The contact-matrix file should be a whitespace-delimited text file with neither row names nor column names. The content should be a N-by-(3+N) table where the first three columns correspond to chr (string), from.coord (integer position), and to.coord (integer position). These column defines the genomic location of the N Hi-C bins (in order). The last N columns should contain normalized contact counts (float) such that element (r,3+c) in this table corresponds to count (r,c) in the normalized contact matrix.

If an N-by-(4+N) table, then the first column is assumed to contain an id (integer), and everything else as above.


  chr10       0   40000  0 0 0 0 ...
  chr10   40000   80000  0 0 0 0 ...
  chr10   80000  120000  0 0 0 0 ...
  chr10  120000  160000  0 0 0 0 ...

See Also



path <- system.file("exdata", package = "TopDom", mustWork = TRUE)

## Original count data
chr <- "chr19"
pathname <- file.path(path, sprintf("nij.%s.gz", chr))
data <- readHiC(pathname, chr = chr, binSize = 40e3)

Subset a TopDomData Object by Region


Subset a TopDomData Object by Region


subsetByRegion(data, region, margin = 1/2)



A TopDomData object.


A TopDom domain (a data.frame).


An non-negative numeric specifying the additional margin extracted around the domain. If margin < 1, then the size of the margin is relative to the size of the domain.


A TopDomData object.


Henrik Bengtsson.

Identify Topological Domains from a Hi-C Contact Matrix


Identify Topological Domains from a Hi-C Contact Matrix


  outFile = NULL,
  statFilter = TRUE,
  debug = getOption("TopDom.debug", FALSE)



A TopDomData object, or the pathname to a normalized Hi-C contact matrix file as read by readHiC(), that specify N bins.


The number of bins to extend (as a non-negative integer). Recommended range is in 5, ..., 20.


(optional) The filename without extension of the three result files optionally produced. See details below.


(logical) Specifies whether non-significant topological-domain boundaries should be dropped or not.


Additional arguments passed to readHiC().


If TRUE, debug output is produced.


A named list of class TopDom with data.frame elements binSignal, domain, and bed.

  • The binSignal data frame (N-by-7) holds mean contact frequency, local extreme, and p-value for every bin. The first four columns represent basic bin information given by matrix file, such as bin id (id), chromosome(chr), start coordinate (from.coord), and end coordinate (to.coord) for each bin. The last three columns (local.ext,, and p-value) represent computed values by the TopDom algorithm. The columns are:

    • id: Bin ID

    • chr: Chromosome

    • from.coord: Start coordinate of bin

    • to.coord: End coordinate of bin

    • local.ext:

      • -1: Local minima.

      • -0.5: Gap region.

      • 0: General bin.

      • 1: Local maxima.

    • Average of contact frequencies between lower and upper regions for bin i = 1,2,...,N.

    • p-value: Computed p-value by Wilcox rank sum test. See Shin et al. (2016) for more details.

  • The domain data frame (D-by-7): Every bin is categorized by basic building block, such as gap, domain, or boundary. Each row indicates a basic building block. The first five columns include the basic information about the block, 'tag' column indicates the class of the building block.

    • id: Identifier of block

    • chr: Chromosome

    • Start bin index of the block

    • from.coord: Start coordinate of the block

    • End bin index of the block

    • to.coord: End coordinate of the block

    • tag: Categorized name of the block. Three possible blocks exists:

      • gap

      • domain

      • boundary

    • size: size of the block

  • The bed data frame (D-by-4) is a representation of the domain data frame in the BED file format. It has four columns:

    • chrom: The name of the chromosome.

    • chromStart: The starting position of the feature in the chromosome. The first base in a chromosome is numbered 0.

    • chromEnd: The ending position of the feature in the chromosome. The chromEnd base is not included in the feature. For example, the first 100 bases of a chromosome are defined as chromStart=0, chromEnd=100, and span the bases numbered 0-99.

    • name: Defines the name of the BED line. This label is displayed to the left of the BED line in the UCSC Genome Browser window when the track is open to full display mode or directly to the left of the item in pack mode.

If argument outFile is non-NULL, then the three elements (binSignal, domain, and bed) returned are also written to tab-delimited files with file names ‘<outFile>.binSignal’, ‘<outFile>.domain’, and ‘<outFile>.bed’, respectively. None of the files have row names, and all but the BED file have column names.

Windows size

The window.size parameter is by design the only tuning parameter in the TopDom method and affects the amount of smoothing applied when calculating the TopDom bin signals. The binning window extends symmetrically downstream and upstream from the bin such that the bin signal is the average window.size^2 contact frequencies. For details, see Equation (1) and Figure 1 in Shin et al. (2016). Typically, the number of identified TDs decreases while their average lengths increase as this window-size parameter increases (Figure 2). The default is window.size = 5 (bins), which is motivated as: "Considering the previously reported minimum TD size (approx. 200 kb) (Dixon et al., 2012) and our bin size of 40 kb, w[indow.size] = 5 is a reasonable setting" (Shin et al., 2016).


Hanjun Shin, Harris Lazaris, and Gangqing Hu. R package, help, and code refactoring by Henrik Bengtsson.



path <- system.file("exdata", package = "TopDom", mustWork = TRUE)

## Original count data (on a subset of the bins to speed up example)
chr <- "chr19"
pathname <- file.path(path, sprintf("nij.%s.gz", chr))
data <- readHiC(pathname, chr = chr, binSize = 40e3, bins = 1:500)
print(data)  ## a TopDomData object

## Find topological domains using the TopDom method
fit <- TopDom(data, window.size = 5L)
print(fit)  ## a TopDom object

## Display the largest domain
td <- subset(subset(fit$domain, tag == "domain"), size == max(size))
print(td) ## a data.frame

## Subset TopDomData object
data_s <- subsetByRegion(data, region = td, margin = 0.9999)
print(data_s)  ## a TopDomData object

vp <- grid::viewport(angle = -45, width = 0.7, y = 0.3)
gg <- ggCountHeatmap(data_s)
gg <- gg + ggDomain(td, color = "#cccc00") + ggDomainLabel(td)
print(gg, newpage = TRUE, vp = vp)

gg <- ggCountHeatmap(data_s, colors = list(mid = "white", high = "black"))
gg_td <- ggDomain(td, delta = 0.08)
dx <- attr(gg_td, "gg_params")$dx
gg <- gg + gg_td + ggDomainLabel(td, vjust = 2.5)
print(gg, newpage = TRUE, vp = vp)

## Subset TopDom object
fit_s <- subsetByRegion(fit, region = td, margin = 0.9999)
print(fit_s)  ## a TopDom object
for (kk in seq_len(nrow(fit_s$domain))) {
  gg <- gg + ggDomain(fit_s$domain[kk, ], dx = dx * (4 + kk %% 2), color = "red", size = 1)

print(gg, newpage = TRUE, vp = vp)

gg <- ggCountHeatmap(data_s)
gg_td <- ggDomain(td, delta = 0.08)
dx <- attr(gg_td, "gg_params")$dx
gg <- gg + gg_td + ggDomainLabel(td, vjust = 2.5)
fit_s <- subsetByRegion(fit, region = td, margin = 0.9999)
for (kk in seq_len(nrow(fit_s$domain))) {
  gg <- gg + ggDomain(fit_s$domain[kk, ], dx = dx * (4 + kk %% 2), color = "blue", size = 1)

print(gg, newpage = TRUE, vp = vp)

Data for the TopDom Package


The ‘exdata/’ folder of this package provides a example data set used in examples. The data are also used to validate the TopDom implementation toward the original TopDom scripts.


The data herein contain a tiny subset of the HiC and TopDom data used in the TopDom study (Shin et al., 2016). More precisely, it contains:

  1. A TopDom file ‘mESC_5w_chr19.nij.HindIII.comb.40kb.domain’, which is part of the ‘’ file (5,504 bytes; md5 ffb19996f681a4d35d5c9944f2c44343) from the Supplementary Materials of Shin et al. (2016). These data were downloaded from the TopDom website ( - now defunct).

  2. A normalized HiC-count matrix file ‘nij.chr19.gz’, where the non-compressed version is part of the ‘mESC.norm.tar.gz’ file (1,305,763,679 bytes; md5 2e79d0f57463b5b7c4bf86b187086d3c) originally downloaded from the UCSD Ren Lab. It is a tab-delimited file containing a 3250-by-3250 numeric matrix non-negative decimal values. The underlying HiC sequence data is available from GSE35156 on GEO and was published part of Dixon, et al. (2012).


  1. Dixon JR, Selvaraj S, Yue F, Kim A, et al. Topological domains in mammalian genomes identified by analysis of chromatin interactions. Nature 2012 Apr 11; 485(7398):376-80, doi: 10.1038/nature11082, PMCID: PMC3356448, PMID: 22495300.

  2. Shin, et al., TopDom: an efficient and deterministic method for identifying topological domains in genomes, Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Apr 20; 44(7): e70., 2016. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1505, PMCID: PMC4838359, PMID: 26704975.