Package 'future.apply'

Title: Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
Description: Implementations of apply(), by(), eapply(), lapply(), Map(), .mapply(), mapply(), replicate(), sapply(), tapply(), and vapply() that can be resolved using any future-supported backend, e.g. parallel on the local machine or distributed on a compute cluster. These future_*apply() functions come with the same pros and cons as the corresponding base-R *apply() functions but with the additional feature of being able to be processed via the future framework.
Authors: Henrik Bengtsson [aut, cre, cph] , R Core Team [cph, ctb]
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.11.2
Built: 2024-09-24 04:28:46 UTC

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Apply Functions Over Array Margins via Futures


future_apply() implements base::apply() using future with perfect replication of results, regardless of future backend used. It returns a vector or array or list of values obtained by applying a function to margins of an array or matrix.


  simplify = TRUE,
  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.stdout = TRUE,
  future.conditions = "condition",
  future.globals = TRUE,
  future.packages = NULL,
  future.seed = FALSE,
  future.scheduling = 1,
  future.chunk.size = NULL,
  future.label = "future_apply-%d"



an array, including a matrix.


A vector giving the subscripts which the function will be applied over. For example, for a matrix 1 indicates rows, 2 indicates columns, c(1, 2) indicates rows and columns. Where X has named dimnames, it can be a character vector selecting dimension names.


A function taking at least one argument.


a logical indicating whether results should be simplified if possible.


An environment passed as argument envir to future::future() as-is.


If TRUE (default), then the standard output of the underlying futures is captured, and re-outputted as soon as possible. If FALSE, any output is silenced (by sinking it to the null device as it is outputted). If NA (not recommended), output is not intercepted.


A character string of conditions classes to be captured and relayed. The default is the same as the condition argument of future::Future(). To not intercept conditions, use conditions = character(0L). Errors are always relayed.


A logical, a character vector, or a named list for controlling how globals are handled. For details, see below section.


(optional) a character vector specifying packages to be attached in the R environment evaluating the future.


A logical or an integer (of length one or seven), or a list of length(X) with pre-generated random seeds. For details, see below section.


Average number of futures ("chunks") per worker. If 0.0, then a single future is used to process all elements of X. If 1.0 or TRUE, then one future per worker is used. If 2.0, then each worker will process two futures (if there are enough elements in X). If Inf or FALSE, then one future per element of X is used. Only used if future.chunk.size is NULL.


The average number of elements per future ("chunk"). If Inf, then all elements are processed in a single future. If NULL, then argument future.scheduling is used.


If a character string, then each future is assigned a label sprintf(future.label, chunk_idx). If TRUE, then the same as future.label = "future_lapply-%d". If FALSE, no labels are assigned.


(optional) Additional arguments passed to FUN(), except ⁠future.*⁠ arguments, which are passed on to future_lapply() used internally.


Returns a vector or array or list of values obtained by applying a function to margins of an array or matrix. See base::apply() for details.


The implementations of future_apply() is adopted from the source code of the corresponding base R function, which is licensed under GPL (>= 2) with 'The R Core Team' as the copyright holder.


## ---------------------------------------------------------
## apply()
## ---------------------------------------------------------
X <- matrix(c(1:4, 1, 6:8), nrow = 2L)

Y0 <- apply(X, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = table)
Y1 <- future_apply(X, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = table)
stopifnot(all.equal(Y1, Y0, check.attributes = FALSE)) ## FIXME

Y0 <- apply(X, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = stats::quantile)
Y1 <- future_apply(X, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = stats::quantile)
stopifnot(all.equal(Y1, Y0))

## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Parallel Random Number Generation
## ---------------------------------------------------------

## Regardless of the future plan, the number of workers, and
## where they are, the random numbers produced are identical

X <- matrix(c(1:4, 1, 6:8), nrow = 2L)

Y1 <- future_apply(X, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = sample, future.seed = TRUE)

Y2 <- future_apply(X, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = sample, future.seed = TRUE)

stopifnot(all.equal(Y1, Y2))

Apply a Function to a Data Frame Split by Factors via Futures


Apply a Function to a Data Frame Split by Factors via Futures


  simplify = TRUE,
  future.envir = parent.frame()



An R object, normally a data frame, possibly a matrix.


A factor or a list of factors, each of length nrow(data).


a function to be applied to (usually data-frame) subsets of data.


logical: see base::tapply.


An environment passed as argument envir to future::future() as-is.


Additional arguments pass to future_lapply() and then to FUN().


Internally, data is grouped by INDICES into a list of data subset elements which is then processed by future_lapply(). When the groups differ significantly in size, the processing time may differ significantly between the groups. To correct for processing-time imbalances, adjust the amount of chunking via arguments future.scheduling and future.chunk.size.


An object of class "by", giving the results for each subset. This is always a list if simplify is false, otherwise a list or array (see base::tapply). See also base::by() for details.

Note on 'stringsAsFactors'

The future_by() is modeled as closely as possible to the behavior of base::by(). Both functions have "default" S3 methods that calls data <- internally. This call may in turn call an S3 method for that coerces strings to factors or not depending on whether it has a stringsAsFactors argument and what its default is. For example, the S3 method of for lists changed its (effective) default from stringsAsFactors = TRUE to stringsAsFactors = TRUE in R 4.0.0.


## ---------------------------------------------------------
## by()
## ---------------------------------------------------------
library(datasets) ## warpbreaks
library(stats)    ## lm()

y0 <- by(warpbreaks, warpbreaks[,"tension"],
         function(x) lm(breaks ~ wool, data = x))

y1 <- future_by(warpbreaks, warpbreaks[,"tension"],
                function(x) lm(breaks ~ wool, data = x))

y2 <- future_by(warpbreaks, warpbreaks[,"tension"],
                function(x) lm(breaks ~ wool, data = x))

Apply a Function over a List or Vector via Futures


future_lapply() implements base::lapply() using futures with perfect replication of results, regardless of future backend used. Analogously, this is true for all the other future_nnn() functions.


  all.names = FALSE,
  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.label = "future_eapply-%d"

  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.stdout = TRUE,
  future.conditions = "condition",
  future.globals = TRUE,
  future.packages = NULL,
  future.seed = FALSE,
  future.scheduling = 1,
  future.chunk.size = NULL,
  future.label = "future_lapply-%d"

  simplify = "array",
  future.seed = TRUE,
  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.label = "future_replicate-%d"

  simplify = TRUE,
  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.label = "future_sapply-%d"

  default = NA,
  simplify = TRUE,
  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.label = "future_tapply-%d"

  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.label = "future_vapply-%d"



An R environment.


A function taking at least one argument.


If TRUE, the function will also be applied to variables that start with a period (.), otherwise not. See base::eapply() for details.


See base::sapply().


An environment passed as argument envir to future::future() as-is.


If a character string, then each future is assigned a label sprintf(future.label, chunk_idx). If TRUE, then the same as future.label = "future_lapply-%d". If FALSE, no labels are assigned.


An R object for which a split method exists. Typically vector-like, allowing subsetting with [, or a data frame.


If TRUE (default), then the standard output of the underlying futures is captured, and re-outputted as soon as possible. If FALSE, any output is silenced (by sinking it to the null device as it is outputted). If NA (not recommended), output is not intercepted.


A character string of conditions classes to be captured and relayed. The default is the same as the condition argument of future::Future(). To not intercept conditions, use conditions = character(0L). Errors are always relayed.


A logical, a character vector, or a named list for controlling how globals are handled. For details, see below section.


(optional) a character vector specifying packages to be attached in the R environment evaluating the future.


A logical or an integer (of length one or seven), or a list of length(X) with pre-generated random seeds. For details, see below section.


Average number of futures ("chunks") per worker. If 0.0, then a single future is used to process all elements of X. If 1.0 or TRUE, then one future per worker is used. If 2.0, then each worker will process two futures (if there are enough elements in X). If Inf or FALSE, then one future per element of X is used. Only used if future.chunk.size is NULL.


The average number of elements per future ("chunk"). If Inf, then all elements are processed in a single future. If NULL, then argument future.scheduling is used.


The number of replicates.


An R expression to evaluate repeatedly.


See base::sapply() and base::tapply(), respectively.


A list of one or more factors, each of same length as X. The elements are coerced to factors by as.factor(). Can also be a formula, which is useful if X is a data frame; see the f argument in split() for interpretation.


See base::tapply().


A template for the required return value from each FUN(X[ii], ...). Types may be promoted to a higher type within the ordering logical < integer < double < complex, but not demoted. See base::vapply() for details.


(optional) Additional arguments passed to FUN(). For future_*apply() functions and replicate(), any ⁠future.*⁠ arguments part of ⁠\ldots⁠ are passed on to future_lapply() used internally.


A named (unless USE.NAMES = FALSE) list. See base::eapply() for details.

For future_lapply(), a list with same length and names as X. See base::lapply() for details.

future_replicate() is a wrapper around future_sapply() and return simplified object according to the simplify argument. See base::replicate() for details. Since future_replicate() usually involves random number generation (RNG), it uses future.seed = TRUE by default in order produce sound random numbers regardless of future backend and number of background workers used.

For future_sapply(), a vector with same length and names as X. See base::sapply() for details.

future_tapply() returns an array with mode "list", unless simplify = TRUE (default) and FUN returns a scalar, in which case the mode of the array is the same as the returned scalars. See base::tapply() for details.

For future_vapply(), a vector with same length and names as X. See base::vapply() for details.

Global variables

Argument future.globals may be used to control how globals should be handled similarly how the globals argument is used with future(). Since all function calls use the same set of globals, this function can do any gathering of globals upfront (once), which is more efficient than if it would be done for each future independently. If TRUE (default), then globals are automatically identified and gathered. If a character vector of names is specified, then those globals are gathered. If a named list, then those globals are used as is. In all cases, FUN and any ⁠\ldots⁠ arguments are automatically passed as globals to each future created as they are always needed.

Reproducible random number generation (RNG)

Unless future.seed is FALSE or NULL, this function guarantees to generate the exact same sequence of random numbers given the same initial seed / RNG state - this regardless of type of futures, scheduling ("chunking") strategy, and number of workers.

RNG reproducibility is achieved by pregenerating the random seeds for all iterations (over X) by using L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG streams. In each iteration, these seeds are set before calling FUN(X[[ii]], ...). Note, for large length(X) this may introduce a large overhead.

If future.seed = TRUE, then .Random.seed is used if it holds a L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed, otherwise one is created randomly.

If future.seed = FALSE, it is expected that none of the FUN(X[[ii]], ...) function calls use random number generation. If they do, then an informative warning or error is produces depending on settings. See future::future for more details. Using future.seed = NULL, is like future.seed = FALSE but without the check whether random numbers were generated or not.

As input, future.seed may also take a fixed initial seed (integer), either as a full L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed (vector of 1+6 integers), or as a seed generating such a full L'Ecuyer-CMRG seed. This seed will be used to generated length(X) L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG streams.

In addition to the above, it is possible to specify a pre-generated sequence of RNG seeds as a list such that length(future.seed) == length(X) and where each element is an integer seed vector that can be assigned to .Random.seed. One approach to generate a set of valid RNG seeds based on fixed initial seed (here 42L) is:

seeds <- future_lapply(seq_along(X), FUN = function(x) .Random.seed,
                       future.chunk.size = Inf, future.seed = 42L)

Note that as.list(seq_along(X)) is not a valid set of such .Random.seed values.

In all cases but future.seed = FALSE and NULL, the RNG state of the calling R processes after this function returns is guaranteed to be "forwarded one step" from the RNG state that was before the call and in the same way regardless of future.seed, future.scheduling and future strategy used. This is done in order to guarantee that an R script calling future_lapply() multiple times should be numerically reproducible given the same initial seed.

Control processing order of elements

Attribute ordering of future.chunk.size or future.scheduling can be used to control the ordering the elements are iterated over, which only affects the processing order and not the order values are returned. This attribute can take the following values:

  • index vector - an numeric vector of length length(X)

  • function - an function taking one argument which is called as ordering(length(X)) and which must return an index vector of length length(X), e.g. function(n) rev(seq_len(n)) for reverse ordering.

  • "random" - this will randomize the ordering via random index vector For example, future.scheduling = structure(TRUE, ordering = "random"). Note, when elements are processed out of order, then captured standard output and conditions are also relayed in that order, that is out of order.


The implementations of future_replicate(), future_sapply(), and future_tapply() are adopted from the source code of the corresponding base R functions, which are licensed under GPL (>= 2) with 'The R Core Team' as the copyright holder.


## ---------------------------------------------------------
## lapply(), sapply(), tapply()
## ---------------------------------------------------------
x <- list(a = 1:10, beta = exp(-3:3), logic = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
y0 <- lapply(x, FUN = quantile, probs = 1:3/4)
y1 <- future_lapply(x, FUN = quantile, probs = 1:3/4)
stopifnot(all.equal(y1, y0))

y0 <- sapply(x, FUN = quantile)
y1 <- future_sapply(x, FUN = quantile)
stopifnot(all.equal(y1, y0))

y0 <- vapply(x, FUN = quantile, FUN.VALUE = double(5L))
y1 <- future_vapply(x, FUN = quantile, FUN.VALUE = double(5L))
stopifnot(all.equal(y1, y0))

## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Parallel Random Number Generation
## ---------------------------------------------------------

## Regardless of the future plan, the number of workers, and
## where they are, the random numbers produced are identical

y1 <- future_lapply(1:5, FUN = rnorm, future.seed = TRUE)

y2 <- future_lapply(1:5, FUN = rnorm, future.seed = TRUE)

stopifnot(all.equal(y1, y2))

## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Process chunks of data.frame rows in parallel
## ---------------------------------------------------------
iris <- datasets::iris
chunks <- split(iris, seq(1, nrow(iris), length.out = 3L))
y0 <- lapply(chunks, FUN = function(iris) sum(iris$Sepal.Length))
y0 <-, y0)
y1 <- future_lapply(chunks, FUN = function(iris) sum(iris$Sepal.Length))
y1 <-, y1)
stopifnot(all.equal(y1, y0))

Apply a Function to Multiple List or Vector Arguments


future_mapply() implements base::mapply() using futures with perfect replication of results, regardless of future backend used. Analogously to mapply(), future_mapply() is a multivariate version of future_sapply(). It applies FUN to the first elements of each ⁠\ldots⁠ argument, the second elements, the third elements, and so on. Arguments are recycled if necessary.


  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.label = "future_Map-%d"

  MoreArgs = NULL,
  future.envir = parent.frame(),
  future.stdout = TRUE,
  future.conditions = "condition",
  future.globals = TRUE,
  future.packages = NULL,
  future.seed = FALSE,
  future.scheduling = 1,
  future.chunk.size = NULL,
  future.label = "future_mapply-%d"

future_.mapply(FUN, dots, MoreArgs, ..., future.label = "future_.mapply-%d")



A function of the arity kk if future_Map() is called with kk arguments.


An environment passed as argument envir to future::future() as-is.


If a character string, then each future is assigned a label sprintf(future.label, chunk_idx). If TRUE, then the same as future.label = "future_lapply-%d". If FALSE, no labels are assigned.


A function to apply, found via


A list of other arguments to FUN.


A logical or character string; attempt to reduce the result to a vector, matrix or higher dimensional array; see the simplify argument of base::sapply().


A logical; use names if the first ⁠\ldots⁠ argument has names, or if it is a character vector, use that character vector as the names.


If TRUE (default), then the standard output of the underlying futures is captured, and re-outputted as soon as possible. If FALSE, any output is silenced (by sinking it to the null device as it is outputted). If NA (not recommended), output is not intercepted.


A character string of conditions classes to be captured and relayed. The default is the same as the condition argument of future::Future(). To not intercept conditions, use conditions = character(0L). Errors are always relayed.


A logical, a character vector, or a named list for controlling how globals are handled. For details, see future_lapply().


(optional) a character vector specifying packages to be attached in the R environment evaluating the future.


A logical or an integer (of length one or seven), or a list of max(lengths(list(...))) with pre-generated random seeds. For details, see future_lapply().


Average number of futures ("chunks") per worker. If 0.0, then a single future is used to process all elements of X. If 1.0 or TRUE, then one future per worker is used. If 2.0, then each worker will process two futures (if there are enough elements in X). If Inf or FALSE, then one future per element of X is used. Only used if future.chunk.size is NULL.


The average number of elements per future ("chunk"). If Inf, then all elements are processed in a single future. If NULL, then argument future.scheduling is used.


A list of arguments to vectorize over (vectors or lists of strictly positive length, or all of zero length).


Arguments to vectorize over, will be recycled to common length, or zero if one of them is of length zero.


Note that base::.mapply(), which future_.mapply() is modeled after is listed as an "internal" function in R despite being exported.


future_Map() is a simple wrapper to future_mapply() which does not attempt to simplify the result. See base::Map() for details.

future_mapply() returns a list, or for SIMPLIFY = TRUE, a vector, array or list. See base::mapply() for details.

future_.mapply() returns a list. See base::.mapply() for details.


The implementations of future_Map() is adopted from the source code of the corresponding base R function Map(), which is licensed under GPL (>= 2) with 'The R Core Team' as the copyright holder.


## ---------------------------------------------------------
## mapply()
## ---------------------------------------------------------
y0 <- mapply(rep, 1:4, 4:1)
y1 <- future_mapply(rep, 1:4, 4:1)
stopifnot(identical(y1, y0))

y0 <- mapply(rep, times = 1:4, x = 4:1)
y1 <- future_mapply(rep, times = 1:4, x = 4:1)
stopifnot(identical(y1, y0))

y0 <- mapply(rep, times = 1:4, MoreArgs = list(x = 42))
y1 <- future_mapply(rep, times = 1:4, MoreArgs = list(x = 42))
stopifnot(identical(y1, y0))

y0 <- mapply(function(x, y) seq_len(x) + y,
             c(a =  1, b = 2, c = 3),  # names from first
             c(A = 10, B = 0, C = -10))
y1 <- future_mapply(function(x, y) seq_len(x) + y,
                    c(a =  1, b = 2, c = 3),  # names from first
                    c(A = 10, B = 0, C = -10))
stopifnot(identical(y1, y0))

word <- function(C, k) paste(, k), collapse = "")
y0 <- mapply(word, LETTERS[1:6], 6:1, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
y1 <- future_mapply(word, LETTERS[1:6], 6:1, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
stopifnot(identical(y1, y0))

## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Parallel Random Number Generation
## ---------------------------------------------------------

## Regardless of the future plan, the number of workers, and
## where they are, the random numbers produced are identical

y1 <- future_mapply(stats::runif, n = 1:4, max = 2:5,
                    MoreArgs = list(min = 1), future.seed = TRUE)

y2 <- future_mapply(stats::runif, n = 1:4, max = 2:5,
                    MoreArgs = list(min = 1), future.seed = TRUE)

stopifnot(all.equal(y1, y2))

future.apply: Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures


The future.apply packages provides parallel implementations of common "apply" functions provided by base R. The parallel processing is performed via the future ecosystem, which provides a large number of parallel backends, e.g. on the local machine, a remote cluster, and a high-performance compute cluster.


Currently implemented functions are:

Reproducibility is part of the core design, which means that perfect, parallel random number generation (RNG) is supported regardless of the amount of chunking, type of load balancing, and future backend being used.

Since these ⁠future_*()⁠ functions have the same arguments as the corresponding base R function, start using them is often as simple as renaming the function in the code. For example, after attaching the package:


code such as:

x <- list(a = 1:10, beta = exp(-3:3), logic = c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE))
y <- lapply(x, quantile, probs = 1:3/4)

can be updated to:

y <- future_lapply(x, quantile, probs = 1:3/4)

The default settings in the future framework is to process code sequentially. To run the above in parallel on the local machine (on any operating system), use:


first. That's it!

To go back to sequential processing, use plan(sequential). If you have access to multiple machines on your local network, use:

plan(cluster, workers = c("n1", "n2", "n2", "n3"))

This will set up four workers, one on n1 and n3, and two on n2. If you have SSH access to some remote machines, use:

plan(cluster, workers = c("", "

See the future package and future::plan() for more examples.

The future.batchtools package provides support for high-performance compute (HPC) cluster schedulers such as SGE, Slurm, and TORQUE / PBS. For example,

  • plan(batchtools_slurm): Process via a Slurm scheduler job queue.

  • plan(batchtools_torque): Process via a TORQUE / PBS scheduler job queue.

This builds on top of the queuing framework that the batchtools package provides. For more details on backend configuration, please see the future.batchtools and batchtools packages.

These are just a few examples of parallel/distributed backend for the future ecosystem. For more alternatives, see the 'Reverse dependencies' section on the future CRAN package page.


Henrik Bengtsson, except for the implementations of future_apply(), future_Map(), future_replicate(), future_sapply(), and future_tapply(), which are adopted from the source code of the corresponding base R functions, which are licensed under GPL (>= 2) with 'The R Core Team' as the copyright holder. Because of these dependencies, the license of this package is GPL (>= 2).

See Also

Useful links:

Options used for future.apply


Below are the R options and environment variables that are used by the future.apply package and packages enhancing it.

WARNING: Note that the names and the default values of these options may change in future versions of the package. Please use with care until further notice.


For settings specific to the future package, see future::future.options page.

Options for debugging future.apply


(logical) If TRUE, extensive debug messages are generated. (Default: FALSE)

Environment variables that set R options

All of the above R future.apply.* options can be set by corresponding environment variable R_FUTURE_APPLY_* when the future.apply package is loaded. For example, if R_FUTURE_APPLY_DEBUG=TRUE, then option future.apply.debug is set to TRUE (logical).

See Also

To set R options or environment variables when R starts (even before the future package is loaded), see the Startup help page. The startup package provides a friendly mechanism for configuring R's startup process.


## Not run: 
options(future.apply.debug = TRUE)

## End(Not run)